(Cologne, Germany, 1968)
This self-taught artist was born in 1968 in Cologne, Germany and has lived in Mallorca since 1999.
Her first individual exhibition was held in 2009 as part of the “Art Night” event which was organised by the ABA Gallery of Palma. Her works comprise complex mechanisms, SYSTEMS, CREATIONS, and BIOS, which are conceptual in nature and present funda¬ mental aspects involving human existence with the aid of elemental shapes. Recipients and forms which resemble boats are also a recurrent expressive medium in her work. Mud, pottery, lime, wool, straw and wood are her preferred materials in the creation of sculptures, decorative objects and kinetic objects which, in addition to their archaic nature, also retain a message. These pure materials, which have been taken directly from nature may be used to create BASIC products, as well as create art. The BIOS con¬ cept is an essential part of her work, and the name itself is an abbreviation of the term basic input output system, although it also means life- system, as in Greek, the word “bios” means life.
Before coming to live in Mallorca, Pfeil lived for several years in San Francisco (USA), although today one of her passions includes travelling to Morocco. She is hoping to undertake a travelling exhibition throughout the most exotic countries of the world which would involve a joint, on-site work at each location. See.www.creation-one.net
More information at: www.katharina-pfeil.com
Her work forms part of several private collections.